Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You can't clean clutter!!!

You can't. All that ends up happening is things get shuffled around. The solution? De-Clutter!! Ta-DAH! I know it's not an original idea or anything, but it is something that I need to start working on. Why?? Well because I honestly believe Emily has more toys than she could ever play with...because I have more craft stuff than I could ever use (admitting that was HARD!) and because we deserve to live in a happy, clutter-free home.  How does clutter build-up?? Well it didn't take much here. We moved into a house that was pre-occupied. A lot of things we've found wasn't even from that person, it was the owners before plus the things from my house and then DH's stuff too. Add on top of all that everything a BABY requires (and acquires!) and Yep! Clutter. It's's EVERYWHERE!
So here's the plan: GET RID OF IT! ha! Easier said than done, but that's the plan. And here's the reminder I need to get rid of everything.

I really made this sign and it is posted on the fridge. I also have been a fan of the Flylady system, but have fallen off the wagon. Time to get back up though, brush myself off and work harder this time.

How often do you de-clutter?? How do you keep the clutter away?? I'd love to know!

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