Thursday, August 12, 2010



This is my very first blog...EVER! I'm excited, nervous...a little bit of everything all balled up. I'm not going to make promises about posting daily, or even weekly. Truth is, I'm a WAHM to a beautiful 15 month old daughter. She is priority number 1 right now.
I have recently acquired a serger. A little intimidating, I'll admit. Luckily, my MIL came over and set it up for me. Before that, the only thing I had done was take the dust cover off! haha! I'm hoping, over the course of this blog, I will expand my knowledge, make some super cute things and somehow help inspire others to try out some projects.
I'll post pics of different things I try and promise to show the good and the bad. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes and I am not afraid to show my trials and errors. Trust me, there will be plenty of errors. I love to experiment with cooking and crafting. I'll try to keep it interesting too.
Well don't want to keep you too long. Hope you enjoy my blog. Please feel free to send project ideas or tips (YES! Please send helpful tips!!) to help me out.

Projects already started: (this is ONLY the sewing machine & serger stuff!)
Nursing Covers
Nursing Pads
Kozy Kuddlers

Projects I'm looking forward to:  (Help me add to the list!!)
Dresses (I've made a few, but hoping to really get some cute ones for DD)