Friday, November 19, 2010

The pretty lights!!

Well this week has went by entirely way too fast!! Worked on a few sewing orders and straightened up the house a bit before pulling out some of our Christmas decor tonight!!! I LOVE this time of year!! I put the tree up last year about the same time. I miss having real trees, but with PB (Punky Brewster a.k.a. Emily) being small, we thought this would be a lot easier. And I've got a few of those "pine" type candles to help with the smell. I don't know about you, but my nose is awfully picky (haha!! pun definitely intended!) when it comes to holidays smells.

PB is currently stalking the tree...she loves the lights, maybe too much?! The only ornaments that are up already are the plastic/non-breakable ones. She did push the end table over, climbed up on it and got off one of the ornaments (I watched the whole thing or I wouldn't have believed it!). She carried it around for awhile and then put it back on the tree, much lower though so she can reach it just standing on the floor.

Another someone noticed the tree while I was up in the attic fetching more decor...
Silly little Ailill!! All I can say is at least Emily hasn't pulled the tree over to get to him yet. She did that with the surround sound speaker he was sitting on the other day!We love our Elf on the Shelf!!

I've had the Christmas lights above our kitchen cabinets on too since those PB can't reach. She just says "wow" and "pretty" and stares at them. I think tomorrow I'll tackle the outside, I probably won't turn them on until next weekend, but I like to try and get ahead when I can.

Have you started decorating yet? What are some of the traditions you and your family have??


  1. I can't believe you are already decorating, i feel so far behind! We started wrapping gifts tonight, but i don't normally put our tree up until Black friday. It's a good tradition to keep me from spending too much money that day!

  2. I pulled out our outside lights too...and they're still not up yet. I have to start way in advance because I get so sidetracked that's the only way anything gets halfway done! LOL
