Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Saving money for the holidays!

Sooo I did pretty good last year with buying Christmas presents on sale and got some really good deals. I was pretty proud of myself! I used swagbucks (click the link to sign up if you're not already a member) for 8 months out of the year and used the FREE amazon.com gift cards to purchase most of the gifts. If you keep a watchful eye, you can get some really good deals on there!! Also, sign up for Amazon Mom (free) and you can get free 2-day shipping on a lot of products. Swagbucks is now offering printable coupons as well! You can earn 10SB for each coupon that gets used--just don't forget them at home like I usually do!!

Another program I've joined an would like to share with you is ebates.com!
It's simple to use! Anytime you are going to make a purchase online (and they've got TONS of stores to choose from) just go through your ebates page. A tracking ticket is created and once the order is confirmed, you will get a percentage back! I've got mine set up to go straight into my paypal account....very handy! They also have a $5 sign up bonus :)
Check them out and sign up here: My ebates link

Ebates is nice because it literally takes just a few seconds to log in (I use FB login to make it even quicker) then to pick the store you are going to purchase from. Some of my favorite stores on there are crocs.com (5% cash back), fabric.com (4% cash back), walmart.com (2% cash back) and maurices.com (4% cash back). I do the majority of my shopping online because we live in the boonies (it's about 2 hours to the nice mall) and I can't stand the holiday rush of people...Seriously?! Where do they all come from????

What are some ways you plan on saving money this year???

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