Tuesday, January 31, 2012

#5 of the $10 Toddler Time Series--I Spy Princesses

Welcome to #5 in the $10 Toddler Time Series! We're half-way through the 10 post series! I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to read and share this series!! 

Today we're making an I Spy bag, a no-sew version for the non-crafty folk. 
(I'll be doing a sewing tutorial soon too!)

You'll need the following:
Envelope-Already had ($2 to buy a 10 pack)
Rice-Already had ($2 to buy)
Small items to put inside-Already had (Find small things around the house)
Sandwich bag-Already had ($1 to buy)
Tape-Already had ($2 to buy)
Scissors-Already had ($1 to buy)

Gather your items. Emily helped me pick out a few small items to add into the I Spy pack. We have a flower, button, bead, penny and stickers from her Valentine's Day cards. I left out the number 1 in the pic because it was a little too bulky. 

Draw and cut out a window in the envelope. I ended up making mine a little larger at the end, but you get the idea. Emily wanted princesses to find, so I used the stickers from her Valentine's Day cars. I stuck them on the cards, then cut them out so they wouldn't have sticky backs and would be a little more sturdy.

Place the sandwich bag in the envelope and fill with rice. I only filled to just above where the window is on the envelope. I ended up using about 3/4 of the bag of rice. You can use more or less depending on how you feel. Just remember the more you use, the more you'll have to clean up if you decide to let your toddler loose with one of these and turn your head for 5 minutes to do the dishes. But, I did use tape to reinforce the sides of the envelope AND I also taped the envelope closed at the top. 

Here are Ariel and Tiana just hanging out waiting for a shuffle of the bag so we can find them all over again! 

(See the reinforced edges? I know my child all too well.)
 On the back, I've added a list of things for Emily to look for so she knows just what is inside. 

I've also let her decorate the envelope with more of the stickers. I'd rather them be on the outside of the envelope than all over my table, the TV or anything else in the house.

See ya next Tuesday for #6!

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